The Management Team

The company has, at its helm, an accomplished and adept LEADERSHIP with focused vision and directional stewardship. The Management team comprises industry experts with in-depth experience and detailed knowledge along with young management professionals determined to take company to new heights time after time
Muralidhar Ekambaram – CEO & Founder

An Electronics & telecommunication graduate & an expert in the business of Rotary machines with more than 35 years of experience across entire industrial spectrum of Application engineering, Marketing, Operations &International business. Had served large and medium sized Engineering corporate houses like Dynaspede, Servomax Ltd., Walmsleys India Pvt. Ltd., Parason Machinery. Also had been associated with professional associations like IPPTA, IEEE and been committee member in setting international standards for Induction motor testing & Motor Vehicle Event Data Recorder
Bhupal Aski – Technical Director

An Electronics & telecommunication graduate & an expert in the field of manufacturing precision components with 35 years of experience. Retired from Aerospace Defense PSU major Hindustan Aeronautics Limited after heading CNC machine & Cellular shops, value adding to stringent Quality Control measures, building specialized manufacturing machines including test rigs. Also spear headed implementation of Lean manufacturing, 5S &LDMS in PSU corporate giant HAL
Dr. K S Rao – Technical Advisor

An Electronics & Instrumentation Post Graduate from REC- Warangal &Doctorate from VRCE, Nagpur with three decades of teaching & management experience
e in education field. Presently shouldering academic leadership in Anurag Group of Institutions, Hyderabad as Director. Having rich expertise in Microprocessors, Signal processing &VLSI technology in addition to in-depth experience in Administration &International collaborations
Mr Reddy Boina Narendra – Director(Admin)

Mr. Reddyboina Narendra, a BS (Electronics, Computers & Maths) and a MBA with more than 15 years of industrial experience with multinationals – IBM,ABC Fire systems expertised in Safety engineering Joins Adeptus team as Director (Administration) for value adding to already systematised operations – stream line & introduce new innovative ideas & techniques